AI compliance solution: Buying or building in-house?

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Key takeaways:
  • Embracing AI compliance is essential, presenting a golden opportunity for differentiation in a saturated market. Companies face the strategic decision of developing in-house AI compliance solutions tailored to their needs versus purchasing ready-made solutions that might offer a quicker, less tailored fit but with reduced initial effort and expertise requirement.
  • Developing an AI compliance solution internally entails significant initial investment, continuous maintenance, and the development of specialized expertise, alongside concerns about scalability. These factors combine to make in-house development less attractive for many companies, especially those without substantial resources or existing expertise in AI compliance.
  • Opting for an external AI compliance solution provider offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, time efficiency, and resource optimization, allowing companies to concentrate on their core business activities. Partnering with specialists like TrustPath can provide expert help without the burden of extra work, continuous support for adapting to regulatory changes, and enhanced flexibility for international expansion, making it a strategic choice for businesses prioritizing innovation and growth over the complexities of compliance management.
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In this article
Handling AI Compliance In-House
Partnering with the AI Compliance Solution

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more common in businesses and our daily lives, making sure AI follows the regulations is really important. These regulations help make AI safe and fair for everyone. But, companies have a big decision to make: should they get help from outside experts to manage these regulations and adjust their systems in line with them, or should they figure out how to do it themselves?

In this blog post, we're going to look at both sides. First, we'll explore the idea of companies doing this work on their own. This can mean solutions that fit better with what they need and more control, but it might cost more money at the start and require a lot of effort to keep up with changing rules. Then, we'll talk about why some companies choose to get help from others to make sure their AI is following the rules. We'll compare these two choices to help you understand which one might be better for your AI business.

So, let's dive in and find out more about how AI companies can make sure their AI system follows regulations, in a way that works best for them.

Handling AI Compliance In-House

Choosing to develop AI compliance solutions within your company can seem like a good idea at first glance. It promises tailored solutions and direct control over compliance processes. However, the reality often involves significant challenges that can outweigh these benefits, especially for companies without existing expertise in this complex field. Here are some critical considerations you need to consider.

High Initial Investment

Building an in-house AI compliance team requires a substantial upfront investment. You'll need to hire experts in AI compliance, possibly train current staff, and acquire the necessary tools and technologies. This initial cost can be prohibitively expensive for many companies, especially startups and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Ongoing Maintenance and Expertise Development

AI regulations are not static; they evolve rapidly in response to technological advancements and societal needs. Keeping an internal team up-to-date with these changes demands continuous training and development. This requirement for ongoing education and adaptation can strain resources and distract from core business activities.

Scalability Concerns

As your company grows, your AI compliance needs will become more complex. Scaling an in-house solution to match this growth can be challenging. It requires not just more personnel, but also enhanced expertise to deal with the complexities of different regulatory environments, particularly if you're expanding internationally.

While the idea of having direct control over your AI compliance might be appealing, the practical realities can be daunting. The high costs, both in terms of finances and focus, along with the challenges of keeping pace with rapidly changing regulations, can make this option less viable for many companies. In contrast, outsourcing AI compliance offers a way to navigate these complexities more efficiently, allowing businesses to focus on their core offerings and strategic growth.

In the next section, we will explain why some companies partner with external AI compliance solutions.

Partnering with the AI Compliance Solution

When we talk about getting help from outside the company to make sure AI follows the regulations, we mean hiring other companies that specialize in AI compliance. These companies can quickly understand your AI systems, offer automated solutions that will help you comply with regulations, and what’s the most important, build trust among your customers in that way. Let’s see why some companies think this is a good idea.

Expert Help Without the Extra Work

These outside companies are like the superheroes of AI regulations. They know everything there is to know because they work with many different companies and see all kinds of situations. This means they can help you avoid problems before they happen, making your operations more efficient.

Saving Money

It might seem strange, but partnering with AI compliance platforms actually saves money. If a company doesn't already have the people or tools to handle AI regulations, starting from scratch can be really expensive. Partnering with ready-made AI compliance solutions is usually cheaper than building a whole new team from ground up.

Focus on Core Business Activities

By partnering with AI compliance experts, companies are liberated from the intricate web of compliance management. This freedom translates into focusing energy and resources on scaling the business and improving internal team productivity, which often results in increased revenues. Without the burden of compliance management, companies can innovate and grow more efficiently.

Enhanced Flexibility When Scaling Internationally

Expanding a business across borders comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when navigating the complex landscape of international AI regulations. Outsourcing compliance to a specialized partner means these intricacies are managed by experts familiar with the global regulatory environment. This arrangement allows companies to maintain agility and concentrate on other crucial aspects of their international go-to-market strategy, ensuring smoother entry into new markets.

Continuous Support and Adaptability

The realm of AI regulation is one of rapid evolution and change, making ongoing compliance maintenance a daunting task. Keeping ahead of the latest regulatory developments can be both challenging and costly. AI compliance partners specialize in this area, offering continuous support and ensuring that systems are always in line with the most current regulations. This support includes proactive adjustments to compliance strategies as new regulations emerge, relieving companies of the significant burden of constant vigilance and adaptation.

Even though outsourcing has its perks, there are a few things that can make companies think twice:

  • Relying too much on others - if a company depends too much on outside help, it might find itself in a tough spot if that help isn’t available anymore.
  • Worrying about information safety - sharing sensitive data with another company sometimes can be risky. 
  • Not having complete control - when another company is in charge of making sure your AI follows the regulations, you might not get to make all the decisions on how it's done.

However, when you weigh the benefits of both options, it becomes evident that the advantages of outsourcing often surpass those of building a solution in-house. This approach enables AI companies to concentrate on their main business activities and generate more income, all while keeping costs under control. 

By relying on specialized partners for AI compliance, like TrustPath, companies can ensure that they not only meet all necessary legal and ethical standards but also do so in a way that's efficient and cost-effective. 

This strategic choice allows businesses to maintain their focus on innovation and development, leaving the complex and ever-changing landscape of compliance to dedicated experts.

Want to learn more? Get in touch with us.

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